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Road Safety Program - 2023 Calendar

The TGS Road Safety Program is now set for the first half of 2023. We will be in Jordan, Kenya, South Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire and Eastern Europe during the next 6 months. New to the program this year some courses will be delivered in arabic, french and english.

Level 2 Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT)

The only on-road, behavioural based driver training specifically designed for the aid sector, the ASDT can be delivered on AV or LV, in any kind of driving environment. It has a proven record of reducing road crash risk.

Level 3 Qualified Driver Trainer ( QDT)

Combining the ASDT with a Training of Trainers module, the QDT enables successful participants to organize and deliver the Level 2 ASDT qualification training course.

To register your interest with the below calendar, contact the TGS Road Safety Programme Manager, Daniel Hardy, daniel.hardy@toyota-gib.com for further information.

Courses AvailableLocationsDatesLanguages
Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT)Jordan22nd – 26th JanuaryArabic & English
Qualified Driver Trainer (QDT) Jordan30th Jan - 9th FebArabic & English
Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT) Jordan5th - 9th FebArabic & English
Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT)
Qualified Driver Trainer (QDT)
Kenya 15th - 24th MarchEnglish
Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT)Kenya 27th - 31th MarchEnglish
Advanced Safe Driver Training (ASDT)
Qualified Driver Trainer (QDT)
South Sudan(TBC) 3rd - 12th MayArabic & English
Qualified Driver Trainer (QDT)Cote d’Ivoire9th - 19th MayFrench
Qualified Driver Trainer (QDT)Eastern Europe7th - 16th JunEnglish