Terms & Conditions

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher, with the exception that the program listings may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication.

The following are terms of a legal agreement between you and Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd ("Terms"). By accessing, browsing, and/or using this Web site ("Site"), you acknowledge that you read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including export and re-export control laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use this Site.

Restrictions on Use of Site

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd hereby authorise you to copy the materials published by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd on this Site (the "Materials") exclusively for non-commercial use by you personally or within your organisation. The design and layout of the Site are specifically excluded from the Materials. No other use of the Materials is authorised. In consideration of this authorisation, you agree that any copy of the Materials (or any portion of the Materials) that you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein or therein.

Property Rights

The products, technology, and/or processes described in this Site may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd or other third parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring to you in any manner, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license, title, or ownership of or to any intellectual property right of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd or any third party.

General Disclaimer

The Materials have been compiled by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd from internal and external sources. However, while Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd has attempted to provide accurate information on the Site, no representation is made or warranty given as to the completeness or accuracy of the Materials. In particular, you should be aware that the Materials may be incomplete, may contain errors, or may have become out of date. You should therefore verify information obtained from this Site before you take any action upon it. Images and video used on the site are for illustration purposes only and vehicle specifications and other information is subject to change without prior notice.



Links to Third Party Web sites:

This Site may provide links or references to other sites, Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd has no responsibility for the content of these other sites, does not make any representations or give any warranties with respect to any information contained in or at these other sites, and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from the content of these other sites. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd does not endorse companies or products to which it has provided links. Any links to other sites are provided merely as a convenience to the users of this Site and, if you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to this Site, you do so entirely at your own risk. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd reserves the right to terminate any link or linking program at any time. There may be circumstances where access to this Site is provided by a hypertext link located at another Web site.


The materials published on this Site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes -- including, but not limited to, quoted prices -- may be made periodically to the Materials. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd may also make improvements and/or changes in the products and services and/or the programs described in the Materials at any time without notice. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd shall have the right to revise these Terms at any time by updating this posting. By using this Site, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this Site to determine the then current Terms to which you are bound.

Disclosure: Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the materials may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial or technical performance of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. We wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially.

User Communications

Subject to the parameters and restrictions set forth in our Online Privacy Policy, Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd is under no obligation to refrain from reproducing, publishing, or otherwise using communications you send to or receive from this Site or otherwise send to or receive from Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd by electronic mail or other electronic means, including any ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques, or know-how disclosed therein, for any purpose, including the developing, manufacturing, and/or marketing of products or services incorporating such information. You hereby give Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd your consent to use your personal data consistent with Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Online Privacy Policy.

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Online Privacy Policy

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to this and other Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd Web sites. To accomplish this, we have implemented a comprehensive Online Privacy Policy that governs all Internet-related communications for Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. This policy is subject to change. We will, however, keep this page updated to make visitors aware of any and all changes.

Please read our policy and let us know what you think. If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us at dpo@toyota-gib.com

Guiding Principles

1. Unsolicited E-mail. We will never send unsolicited e-mail to you or other visitors to our Web site. We will use e-mail to respond to e-mail messages from you, to confirm product or service orders placed online and to engage in other communication, which you have expressly permitted.

2. We do not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties personal information gathered online about you without your consent. You can rest assured that we will never provide your e-mail address, or any other personal information gathered from you during visits to our Web site, to any external organisation without your permission. The only exceptions to this rule are:

When we use a fulfilment house to ship a product that you have purchased. In these circumstances, we require our vendors to adhere to our policies governing the use and protection of your personal information.

As may be required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process or in the case of imminent physical harm to you or others.

When we use other agents, contractors, or companies to perform services on our behalf. Under these circumstances, we will ensure that your personal information is protected consistent with this policy.

Collection of Usage Data.

Our servers automatically gather information about which sites you visit on the Internet as well as which particular pages of our Site you have visited. We use that information solely to evaluate the popularity of certain pages or sections of our Site in order to improve customer satisfaction, internal marketing analysis and for the other purposes stated above.

Account Information.

We honour requests from you to correct your account information (for example, your name and address) You may verify that appropriate corrections have been made. To correct account information, contact sales@toyota-gib.com

What information do we gather and how is it used?

Generic Data. When you visit our Web site, we log general data, including your domain name, the name of the Web page from which you entered our Site, which pages you visit on our Site, and how much time you spend on each page. We use this information to continually monitor and improve our Web site. We also occasionally collect information on a customer-specific level; however; we cannot obtain this information unless you explicitly tell us.

Personal Information Which You Choose to Submit. As a visitor to our Web site, you may choose to send us a question via e-mail, register for a special service, enter a contest or purchase a product or service on-line. Anytime you submit personal information for a specific purpose; your information will be used for that purpose only. Our policy is to explain to you how your personal information will be used at the time you submit that information. In many cases, you choose the amount of information you supply (e.g., when sending us e-mail, you may choose to include only an e-mail address - not a telephone number or mailing address - for replies). There may be instances where we require complete information for a particular activity, but again, it's completely your choice whether or not to complete the form.

What about "Cookies?"

The term "cookie" refers to files that are transferred from a Web site to your computer's hard drive. The purpose of cookies is to enable us to track your activities on our Web site. Cookies help us remember who you are. Cookies permit us to gain the same kind of information about you and enable us to provide you with more efficient and personalised service. For example, for sites that require registration, a cookie file can be stored on your computer enabling you to skip the registration process on subsequent visits. Cookies are also frequently used to track the progression of a customer engaged in an on-line purchase to ensure that the transactional information remains intact.

Some (usually newer) versions of Web browsers allow you to decide whether or not to accept cookie files and some programs notify you when a Web site is about to deposit a cookie file on your hard drive. If you decide not to accept cookies, you may not be able to successfully navigate some portions of a Web site.

You can check your hard drive for cookie files. For PC's, look for "cookies.txt" files on your hard drive. On a Macintosh, look for "magic cookies." There are software programs available ("cookie cutters" and "anonymisers") that allow you to selectively edit cookie files.

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd uses or will use cookie files for online purchasing and the customized presentation of Web pages. We do not use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally sent in the cookie, nor do we use information transferred through cookies for any promotional or marketing purposes.

We hope the above information addresses any concerns you may have had regarding privacy issues while using our Web site. Again, we encourage you to contact us at dpo@toyota-gib.com with any additional questions you have in this regard.

Products and Services Availability

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd may provide access to international information, which information may contain references or cross-references to products, programs, and services that are not currently available in your country. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd provision of references to such products, programs, and services does not necessarily mean or otherwise imply that the products, programs, and services announced or discussed are available in all countries. Also, Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd is a service provider operating in some, but not all, markets. Therefore, it may provide access to information that may contain references or cross-references to products, programs, and services that are not announced or available in all markets. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd provision of references to such products, programs, and services does not necessarily mean or otherwise imply that the products, programs, and services announced or discussed are available in all markets or all markets where Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd conducts business.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: Compliance With Laws

Access to this Site is governed by E.U and Gibraltar law. Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to, or use of, this Site shall be instituted in Gibraltar. You and Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.

Specifically, European Union Nationals may have rights under the European Commission's Data Protection Directive and implementing privacy legislation in the member states. By using this Web site you may be consenting to processing of your personal data which does not conform to such privacy protection laws.

All information available at this Site is subject to Gibraltar export control laws and may also be subject to the laws of the country where you reside. All Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd products and publications are commercial in nature. Any Materials copied or downloaded from this Site are subject to the restrictions.


No delay or omission by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd to exercise any right occurring upon any noncompliance on your part with respect to any of the terms of this Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof. Any waiver by Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd of any of the covenants, conditions, or agreements to be performed by you shall not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any covenant, condition, or agreement herein contained.

Trademark Information

Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd and the Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd logo are trademarks of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. The Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd trademark and other designated product and feature names are trademarks of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd and may be used publicly only with prior permission from Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Fair use of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd trademarks in advertising and promotion of Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd products and services requires proper acknowledgment.